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Winter Travel Tips!

Hello! And welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash Blog!

Happy New Year! We are so excited you are here to join us in the new year. We’d love to hear if you have any resolutions with your pets?

January is cold. In most parts of the country it can be downright miserable. However now that the holidays are over many people will be traveling home from visiting friends and family and there are a few things to know about traveling in cold weather with your pet. You want to make sure everyone stays safe and warm on your journeys. Read on for three tips on keeping your pet happy and healthy during your winter travels.

One, take your car in for a checkup. Look this may not be pet exclusive, but it’s the most important thing for any winter traveler, including your pets. Breaking down in the middle of winter is not a great situation for you or your pet. Make sure to take your car in to be serviced and have a good look over before heading out.

Two, stay hydrated! We often forget about keeping our pets as hydrated in the winter as we do in the hot months of summer. Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean they don’t need frequent water breaks. Pack along some water and a collapsible bowl to keep them hydrated.

Three, be cautious of road and sidewalk salt. Salt used to melt ice can be very damaging to dogs' pads. And you will be needing to take potty breaks while traveling, so walking them on the road is sometimes your only option. Make sure to wash their feet off, use booties or coat the pads with a petroleum jelly to protect against the salts and chemicals. Remember you can’t always see salt once it’s melted so be careful!

As always if you have questions we’d love to hear from you! We are always happy to help pet parents! Until next time, happy travels!

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