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Spring Time is Puppy Time!

Hello and welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash blog!

Spring is right around the corner! Depending on where you live, you may already be getting warmer temperatures, shedding animals and the days are finally getting longer again! Spring is for getting back outside and doing some outdoor projects or exploring the great outdoors! Spring is also a great time to bring a new puppy home!

If you’ve been considering bringing a puppy home this is the time of year to do it! The warmer temperatures make house training easier. No one wants to stand out in a blizzard waiting for a new pup to do their business! The warmer temperatures means going on walks and playing outside will be much more pleasant, and by summer your pup will be big enough to start joining you on bigger adventures!

We believe in being proactive with your pet’s health. It sets your pet up to succeed before there are potential problems. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive in the approach to your pet’s health. If you are bringing a puppy home this spring we would recommend any of our puppy starter kits! They come with everything you need to give your pup a head start in life! Feel free to ask us about what comes in a starter kit, how it will set your pup off on the right food to lifelong health, and any other nutritional questions you may have.

Spring is a fun time of year. And if you want to bring the ball of fun that a puppy is back into your home this year, spring is a great time to do it. Please do your research when looking for your next family member and never hesitate to reach out for help. We hope to hear from you and your pet’s soon. Until then, Live Life Off Leash!!!

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