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Sensitive Stomach?

Hello, and welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash Blog!

Last time we talked about picky eaters and what you could do to help your picky eater get more excited about food as well as what some of the reasons why they may be picky would be. Today we’d like to dive into another reason why some dogs are just not excited about food that may be causing them to just plain not feel very great.

Having a sensitive stomach affects a lot of dogs. For a litany of reasons, more and more dogs are having issues with their GI tract and therefore are not feeling their best and can cause them to be picky about what they are eating or cause them to stop eating altogether. When a dog comes off food altogether it can be a sign of a seriously upset stomach. The type of food, additives, exercise, allergies and even their breed can be factors in a dog having a sensitive stomach. Just like you wouldn’t want to go day to day having an upset stomach, neither does your dog. One of the first things we would recommend would be to make sure you are feeding a high quality dog food like pawTree. Low quality foods are full of additives and poor quality ingredients that can lead to an upset stomach. If your dog is already prone to having a sensitive stomach, these will undoubtedly make his tummy feel even worse.

If you are already feeding a high quality food and your dog still seems to have a sensitive stomach we’d suggest adding more GI support in the form of a supplement. PawTree’s Gastro Pro Plus is a natural and complete combination of probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes and soothing herbs that help your dog’s entire GI tract stay healthy and sooth a sensitive stomach.

If you’d like help determining the right diet for your sensitive stomach dog shoot us a message! We’d be happy to help identify and troubleshoot to help your dog feel his absolute best!

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