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Puppy Nutrition

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Hello and welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash Blog!

Today we want to talk about one of the most important stages of your dog’s life. The puppy stage! Everyone loves a puppy. They are adorable to say the least and it’s one of the most rewarding stages. But it is also the most important when it comes to good nutrition.

During the puppy stage, your little one is not only fueling all the activity and energy puppies have, but they are also using all the nutrients they can get for growing. Developing good muscle, bone, soft tissue, and creating strong hearts and brains. They are literally creating the foundation for lifelong health while they are puppies.

Choosing dog food that is appropriate for their breed and life stage is imperative. A young puppy has a totally different set of caloric and nutritional needs than a dog in their prime or an elderly dog. Puppies generally need a higher fat and protein content while they are growing. They also use more vitamins and minerals creating strong bones and functioning systems.

Choosing a high quality dog food and supplements is a great way to guarantee your puppy a good start and offer a higher chance at life long health. If they start out healthy the have less of a chance to develop nutritional issues as older dogs. We highly recommended pawTree for puppies. They offer the highest quality ingredients that undergo strenuous testing and scientific development.

If you have a puppy and are curious about the best way to get them off on the right foot, we’d love to hear from you. We would love to chat about your puppy and their specific needs to set them up for a lifetime of health and success.

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