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Pearly Whites!

Hello and welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash Blog!

Today we want to talk about dental health and what you can do to be proactive about it. Dental health in our pets, is similar to humans as in it is a big indicator of overall health. If your pet suffers from gum or dental disease there is chance their health is at risk. So, how do you keep those teeth pearly white? Keep reading for our Dental Health Tips!

Tip One:

Chew Toys! Proper chew toys designed for dental hygiene are a great way to help your pet keep their teeth in tip top shape while also giving them a great enrichment activity. You want to chose one that is safe, made specifically for dental health and is age and size appropriate for your dog’s breed.

Tip Two:

Diet! Of course diet plays a part! Diet plays a part in every area of health and dental health is no different. Make sure your dog is getting the vitamins and mineral necessary to produce and maintain healthy teeth as well as a crunchy food to help break up plaque on the teeth as they chew. Curious about pawTree’s awesome pet food choices? Message us!

Tip Three:

Brushing! If your pet will let you, picking up a specially made pet toothbrush and toothpaste is a great way to help keep your pet’s teeth gleaming and help stop bad breath.

Tip Four:

Open wide! Checking gums and teeth on a regular basis is a simple but effective preventative measure. Stop it before it starts! If you see a bad tooth or red gums, take them to the vet.

Tip Five:

And lastly, hydrate! Sounds silly, but keeping your pet well hydrated helps break down food in the mouth with proper saliva, thus keeping teeth cleaner. If your dog is dehydrated, they may not have what they need to wash their food down, so some remains stuck in their teeth. Help this along by wetting your pet’s dry food with a splash of water before serving.

Hopefully these tips gave you some good ideas to help prevent poor dental health for your pets. Always keep your pet on a regular vet schedule and use these tips and they’ll have good and shiny teeth for a long time!

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