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Our Pet Pros Wet Weather Walking Hacks

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It’s spring time. And for most of us that means lots of rain and maybe even some more snow. The wet weather can bring on certain challenges when exercising our pets. However, don’t let that discourage you! Even in the wet our K-9 friends need exercise and that outdoor stimulation. Each dog is different as to how much time they may like being outside but they still want to get out, we promise! Going for walks, rain or shine, is one of the best ways to keep your pet healthy, happy and keep your bond strong!

Things to consider when taking your dog out in the elements is their hair coat. Hopefully they are on a great food already that promotes overall health during all life stages like pawTree. How healthy their hair coat is is directly linked to the nutrition you are giving them. A healthy hair coat will be able to function exactly as their breed was intended. But that’s where it gets tricky! Not every dog is equipped with the same type of fur!

If you have a dog with a double coat of any kind you can feel pretty confident they will be able to march on no matter the temperature or precipitation for your hour long walk. Most dogs with a double coat are working or hunting breeds or a mix of those. The idea with their hair is the top layer repels water while the bottom layer is the fluffier down like layer keeping them warm. Huskies, German Shepherds, Border Collies, Golden Retrievers and Corgis, are just a few examples of dogs with double coats. These types of dogs are plenty happy tromping through the rain unaided. You and your adventure pup can head out and go dancing in the rain!

Dogs that have slick and short hair coats may have a harder time handling the wet. Dogs like Weimaraner, Greyhounds, bully breeds and Dalmatians are a few examples of dogs that have slick coats. These dogs do not have the protective layer of guard hairs on top, or the fluffy layer of hair underneath to keep themselves warm. Meaning when they get wet, they get cold. Just like humans do. But that does not mean they cannot or should not go out in the wet! They still need exercise just like the others. Luckily there are plenty of doggie coats you can purchase that are waterproof or resistant to keep these active breeds warm while they brave the elements. Always select one that is waterproof or water resistant for wet weather walking. A quick amazon search will bring up loads of raincoats for dogs. Get one that has ample coverage over the hind quarters and that is long enough to drain water away from the body.

For smaller breeds like Chihuahuas and Yorkies and other small dogs regardless of their coat they tend to get colder quicker. So we suggest a coat of some kind and a shorter, less strenuous walk. These dogs still need exercise but generally don’t require as much as the bigger breeds. With any breed if your dog is shivering he’s cold and time to get him out of the elements.

When walking outside in the wet weather don’t forget to outfit yourself! There is nothing worse than being cold on a walk so make sure both you and your dog’s gear is up to snuff! The faster you walk the warmer you’ll be and the more energy your pup will drain! Walking is crucial to your pet’s health. Don’t let the weather deter you. If you outfit properly walking in the wet weather can be a lot of fun and feel like quite the adventure!

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