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Our Pet Pros Favorite Camping Tips!

Welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash blog! Summer is in full swing and that means being out in the great outdoors with our furry family members! Living Life Off Leash for many people and their pets means tons of adventure out in the wild! Camping, hiking, biking, rafting. Whatever your chosen adventure most of us like to bring Fido with us as much as possible. Dogs make the ultimate adventure buddies so it just makes sense to bring them along. Today we’ll focus on camping and some of our tried and true camping tips and hacks that we have found when taking our dogs out in the wilderness.

Dogs love to go camping! They love being with their human pet parents on grand adventures. When bringing your dog on a camping trip we have found some great hacks that make camping with dogs easier and carefree. If you’re not prepared, camping with dogs can potentially be stressful, but with these simple tips you can have a great time away with your four legged friend.

What you need to pack and how to go about it varies depending on the type of camping trip you are going on. Packing for Fido can be just as varied as packing for yourself when considering the type of trip you are going on. Are you going to be away for a night? Gone for the weekend? A week long backpacking trip? Are you going in a huge fully stocked camper with all the luxuries of home or are you rolling minimalist style with just a backpack and tent? There are tons of variables to consider when bringing your dog out into the woods with you. We think these tips we’ve put together are great regardless of how you’re camping.

The first and probably most important is always bring a longer leash or tie out with carabiners. One that is longer than your regular walking leash so that there’s room to roam a bit while still staying safe. The carabiners allow for easy attachment to just about anything. You can wrap around a tree, hook to a bumper-pull hitch on a truck, latch it to a stake in the ground or even to a belt attached to you to keep you hands free while keeping your dog close. A leash and carabiners are the ultimate must have for anyone camping with dogs. They are a great safety tool and a way to give your dog some freedom while keeping them close and safe.

Speaking of safety, another must have is a K9 first aid kit! Experienced campers and outdoor enthusiasts will all tell you how important it is for you to have a first aid kit for yourself in your pack. Well, Fido is no different! You can purchase a special K9 first aid kit or pack a second human first aid kit with you for your K9 buddy. There are some differences between human and K9 specific first aid kits, but a lot of things are the same when it comes to treating and sanitizing wounds. The biggest difference is bandages. Most human first aid kits come with lots of band-aids, but they really can’t be used on dogs because the adhesive won't stick to the fur. K9 first aid kits generally have more gauze and elastic bandages for wrapping a wound versus using a band-aid. A quick Amazon search can lead you to oodles of kits. Take a peek and decide what type would best fit your needs and always make sure it’s in your bag of gear.

When it comes to gear, most campers always have lots of it. There is no shortage of cool outdoor things to buy for your next trip. Companies have taken note that people love to bring their dogs camping so they have created an entire market for K9 outdoor gear. One of our favorite pieces of gear for our dogs when camping is their very own backpack! We love letting our dogs carry some of their own gear, and teaching them to carry a backpack can be a fun and bonding experience. They love to feel like they’re doing a great job! You can pack their backpack with treats, toys, water, their own first aid kit and anything else you can think of! Keeping their gear separate from your own also helps to find it when you’re looking for something specific. If it’s for the dog, she has it in her own pack!

There are so many cool things out there for camping with dogs that the options are endless. These are just a few things we never leave home without. Camping with dogs is always a blast. Getting out in the great outdoors with your dog is a wonderful bonding experience and we highly encourage giving it a try if you haven’t already! Getting out in nature, sleeping under the stars, it’s the ultimate way to Live Life Off Leash!

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