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No More Hairballs!

Hello, and welcome back to the Live Live Off Leash blog!

We’re going to change up the pace a bit today and talk about our other four legged fur kids… Cats! We talk a lot about dogs here at Live Life Off Leash, but we also love our cats. Cats can be such great companions as well as dogs. Feline nutrition is important, just like it is for us and our dogs. However cats often get overlooked when it comes to nutrition. But they can have their own list of problems when nutrition is not addressed. Everything from urinary tract issues to obesity affect cats in large numbers and most can be avoided with good nutrition and supplements.

Probably one of the most common issues facing cats, especially long haired ones, are hairballs! Hairballs develop from your cat’s grooming habits. Cats have hooks on their tongues and as they groom the tongues grab dead hair, much like your own hair brush. As they groom the hair that gets pulled out of their coat often gets swallowed creating hairballs. Although normal, they are quite gross and can cause stomach irritation.

Brushing your cat regularly along with a healthy diet can help keep the hairballs to a minimum. We also highly recommend pawTree’s Hairball Support Plus. It’s a high quality fiber supplement that helps move hair through the system without causing digestive distress. We have noticed big differences in the cats that we have seen on it that prior, were prone to lots of hairballs.

If you have any questions regarding your pet’s digestive health, hairballs or other nutritional questions we’d love to hear from you! Send us a message! We’d love to see if we could help get your pet on the right track to excellent health. Always give your pet the best, whether you have cats, dogs or any other manner of critter! And remember, to live life off leash!

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