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Merry Christmas!

Welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash blog!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Many people are celebrating this weekend and we wanted to celebrate with you and your pets by wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend. With the hustle and bustle, travel and excitement please keep in my that your pets may be feeling a little bit of stress. As a friendly reminder here's some tips to help your pet if they become stressed over the holidays.

Always make sure they have a safe and quiet place to "escape" to. A quiet, closed off bedroom, their crate or kennel, or even their own backyard if the weather is fair and they are happy and comfortable outdoors. Just a place they feel safe that they can go if they are feeling overwhelmed.

Keep them on their regular feeding and medication schedule. With parties, company and early Christmas morning madness, it's easy to forget or delay pet's feeding or medications. The closer you keep to their regular schedule they better they will feel.

Keep something on hand like pawTree's Chillax to help them relax if they need it and if they are super stressed ask your vet for help with a sedative.

Make sure to keep table scraps to a minimum and only give them treats safe for them. Many pets get sick over the holidays due to over indulgence.

As always we are happy to chat about you and your pets needs, and coming into a new year is a great time to get started on some health and wellness changes. Feel free to message us for more information.

Until next year, have a great, happy and healthy holiday! Merry Christmas from our family to yours! Cheers!

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