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Kitten Nutrition

Hello and welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash blog!

We’ve talked about dog and puppy nutrition but today we want to talk about kitten nutrition! We love our kittens! And kitten nutrition is just as important as puppy nutrition. What a kitten eats sets them up for either success for failure in their health for the rest of their lives. Making sure your kitten has what it needs is of utmost importance.

Cats can be susceptible to lots of viruses and illnesses as kittens so fueling their immune system is very important. Kittens can be very vulnerable to things like upper respiratory infections and all kinds of things. A good quality food should have all the things they need to grow and boost their immune systems. You want to make sure that the food has all the building blocks they need for healthy joints, bones, brain health and organ function especially the heart! High quality fats and proteins, as well as probiotics for gut health. But on top of all that, you want to make sure that the food you are feeding has high quality vitamins and minerals to boots and feed the immune system. The better quality the vitamins and minerals the better the immune system will function.

A great food, like pawTree is a great place to start to make sure your kitten is getting the highest quality food and building blocks for a long and healthy life. If you have questions regarding what to feed your kitten and what would be a good fit for you, feel free to contact us! We’d love to talk about your pet and your needs! We want to help as many pets as we can live long and happy lives!

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