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Joint Health For Senior Dogs

Welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash blog! Recently we talked about joint health for active dogs. Today we’re going to chat about joint health for your senior dog. As they say, puppies are fun but old dogs are true gems. We all love older dogs! They are sweet and kind and you can get lost in their wise old graying eyes. Older dogs are something for us to always treasure.

We always want to help all of our pets to live their best lives. But out older friends may need even more help. Arthritis and other joint problems can make every day activities very painful for our old friends. No one wants to see their old friend in pain, struggling to get up the stairs or no longer able to get on the couch.

We always highly recommend starting a joint supplement earlier rather than later. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you can begin to help your faithful friend out with their joints and giving them what they need before they show symptoms of stiffness or pain, the better chance you have of prolonging their joint life. However, not everyone has that option. For example if you adopt a senior dog from a shelter you may not have had the opportunity to help them with preventative care. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t help them where they're at.

Depending on breed, most dogs can begin to benefit from a joint supplement around the age of 6 or 7 years old. Larger breeds could benefit earlier. For senior dogs we highly recommend pawTree’s Joint Support Plus CBD. Not only is it a fantastic combination of, MSM and chondroitin but it also has high quality CBD hemp oils that have a great effect on reducing inflammation. Joint health for senior dogs can be a little more complicated than a younger dog but it doesn’t have to be impossible.

If you have any questions about your dog and what may be a good choice for them based on age, breed, activity level etc, please send us a message. We’d love to chat with you about your beloved pets. Especially those precious senior dogs! They deserve to Live Live Off Leash too!

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