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Holiday Wrap Up and Happy New Year!

Welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash Blog! The holiday season is wrapping up and the New Year is right around the corner. No matter what holidays you celebrate we at Live Life Off Leash want to wish you and yours the very best, and to thank you for an incredible year!

No doubt you are headed into lots of office parties and friends and family get togethers. Remember to keep you pets safe if they have anxiety around activity in your home and as always make sure they are staying on their healthy diet and not being given too many holiday treats.

Now is a great time to make resolutions and plans for the New Year as well. Make a pact to get your pet healthy with amazing pawTree foods and supplements. Dedicate more time for play and adventure with your pets. You’ll be glad you did.

If you need help finding the best combination of healthy products for your pet to help them live longer, healthier and happier, please contact us. We’d be so happy to help you create a great plan for your pets! Happy Howl-idays everyone!

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