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Happy Howl-O-Ween!

Welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash blog! Halloween is coming up and the marathon of holidays are right around the corner! Halloween especially can be a stressful time for many pets, so here we'll discuss some ways to help your pet through the spooky season!

  • Firstly, remember not all dogs or cats want to be a part of the festivities and some things, like costumes can be downright scary to animals. Keep your pet's personality and demeanor in mind when you consider parties or taking them trick or treating. A scared pet is likely to run away, causing them to get lost. Keep them safe and if you are having a party keep them in a separate room, and don't take them trick or treating. Leave them home for their safety.

  • Trick or Treaters' coming to your door may be just as scary. It's best to keep them in another room while trick or treaters' are coming. This way they can't accidentally slip out and run away. Cats are always super vulnerable to cruelty on Halloween night, so keep them inside!

  • NO CANDY! Candy of all kinds, especially chocolate, is really bad for our pets. Keep all candy away and out of reach.

  • If your pet suffers from anxiety, try an herbal remedy like pawTree's Chillax or for very severe cases ask your vet about sedation for home use during the holidays.

Follow these safety tips and everyone will make it through the scariest time of year unscathed! If you have questions about any of our relaxing products we'd be happy to chat with you about them!

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