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Happy Halloween!

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Happy Halloween!

Welcome back to the Live Life Off Leash blog!

Halloween is this weekend and it’s one of the most fun holidays! Spooky shenanigans, fun parties, costumes and candy! What’s not to like?! Well, you pet may not think it’s all that fun. A lot of dogs have a great attitude toward Halloween and have the demeanor to go out trick or treating with their families. Some even join in the fun of dressing up. But not every pet has the same fun on Halloween. If you have a pet that is easily stressed, here are some tips for keeping your pet safe and calm on Halloween night.

First and foremost, it’s most important to keep all cats indoors on Halloween. Unfortunately cats can be victims of abuse on Halloween, so it’s best to just keep them inside where they are safe, even if they are used to being an indoor/outdoor cat. Please keep them inside.

Dogs can often be spooked by masks and costumes so if your dog gets nervous when trick or treaters arrive, you can help protect them and your door to door ghouls and goblins, but putting your dog in their crate or in another room of the home and shut the door. That way they feel safe and do not have to be greeting all the people who come and go.

Costumes are another thing that sometimes bets can stress over… when THEY have to wear them! Not all pets enjoy or tolerate costumes. Pay close attention to how your pet reacts when you put a costume on. If they seem uncomfortable, best to leave them be and take the costume off.

Candy is another hazard on Halloween! Keep all human candy away from all pets. It’s just not good for them. And in the days that follow, when walking your dogs, take care to pay attention to any candy that may have been dropped and left behind. You don’t want your dog getting into it.

If your pet has a lot of anxiety you can help them by giving them a supplement like Chillax CBD from pawTree. If they have very severe anxiety over Halloween, make sure to ask your vet in advance and see if perhaps a sedative would be suitable for the evening.

Keep you, your kids, and your fur-kids safe and healthy this Halloween. Follow these simple tips and reach out if you have any questions about our relaxing CBD products. We’d love to answer questions and help you out.

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