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Do You Have a Picky Eater?

Hi and welcome back to the Live Live Off Leash Blog!

Dogs can be notorious for eating anything and everything. But on occasion there’s that one dog that is just plain a picky eater! You know who I’m talking about. The dog that always turns up their nose at seemingly yummy dog foods and treats. It doesn’t happen all the time but when you find yourself with a picky eater it can be somewhat bamboozling and frustrating. Dogs are supposed to, well… “wolf down” their food. So why is your dog not eating?!

Often dogs will turn up their noses at what you may think are good dog foods for many reasons. Dogs can be quite intuitive. Many times a dog will stop eating certain foods due to it upsetting their system in some way or not giving them what they need nutritionally. For example if your dog is allergic to corn, and you happen to be feeding a dog food high in processed grains like corn, your dog may stop eating it all together because it’s causing a number of issues within their system. Dogs can develop itchy, patchy skin, joint inflammation or stomach upset to name a few. If this happened to you every time you ate dinner you’d lose interest too. Often a change of feed to a much higher quality dog food like any of the pawTree dog foods will easily snap a dog out of being a picky eater.

On super rare occasions a dog is just truly a picky eater. But don’t worry! pawTree also has what we call pawPairings. These are “seasonings” that you can sprinkle on your dogs food for extra taste and variety that is nutritious as well as delicious. This way you can switch up the “flavor” of their food on a regular basis without stomach upset or changing foods to appease a picky eater.

Whatever the case, often switching to quality food is one of the biggest keys to helping a picky eater get an appetite. If you have questions regarding your dog's food, eating habits or what you can do to help a picky eater shoot us a message. We’d love to hear from you and help you find the magic recipe your dog will love!

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