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Beat The Heat!

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Summer is in full swing and that means plenty of outdoor activities! But what about when it’s so blistering hot?! What can you do to help keep your dog cool during the dog days of summer? Our pet pros give you their tips here!

Lots of dogs don’t do the best in the heat. One of the main ways to keep your pets cool is to keep them inside during the heat of the day. That’s the easiest way to keep them cooler. It’s also a good idea to only go for walks during the cool of the morning or evening and not during the middle of the day to avoid heat stroke or burns on their pads. Remember, pavement can get hot!

There are tons of ways to keep your pet cool and still have a blast during the summer. One of the best ways is to keep your dogs cool during the hot summer months is to take them swimming! Most dogs love to play in the water. And if they are not great swimmers but still love the water, you can always get them a kiddie pool to wade into on the back deck. A kiddie pool is a great place for your pet to wade and cool off all on their own while spending time in the back yard.

Some pups really enjoy a frozen teat! Just like we humans like a good popsicle, our four legged companions love something cool in the hot summer months. Take some disposable plastic cups, fill with water, chicken broth (dog friendly) and maybe a dog treat or two and freeze. A fun and healthy pupsicle to keep your doggo cool!

Ice cubes in their water dish is also a fun and easy way to help your pet cool down. Just by keeping their drinking water cool you can help to cool their body temperature. A cooling pad or a damp towel to lay on are also ways to help your dogs cool off during the very hot temperatures. Summer is fun! But remember to keep your pets cool through all the activity.

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